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When Should a Child Stay Home From School?
When a child has a fever, severe coughing, red and running eyes, sore throat, swollen glands in the neck, skin rash, unusual pallor, dizziness or faintness, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, aches (such as earache, backache, stomachache) or severe pain anywhere, these are symptoms or signs of illness and the child should be kept home from school. If a student is at school and not feeling well enough to stay, the Nurse's Office will notify the parent/guardian who will be expected to take the child out of school for at least that day. Note: A student with a fever cannot return to school until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.

COVID-19 Precautions. Do not come to school any time you are ill or have new or different symptoms, including but not limited to: fever, sore throat, loss of sense of smell, muscle or body aches, new cough, vomiting or diarrhea.

Physical Education Medical Waiver

An excuse from physical education class must be in writing and accompanied by a written recommendation from the student's physician. The doctor's note must be provided to the nurse who will relay the information and relevant accommodations to the P.E. teachers.

If your child is diagnosed with a concussion, it is very important to notify the Nurse. Return to learn and return to play guidelines will be followed to ensure students have both cognitive and physical rest to assist with full recovery. If the overseeing healthcare provider has recommended cognitive rest, the school nurse will notify the appropriate personnel of the recommended accommodations for the specific student. Students will not be allowed to participate in PE or athletics until they are asymptomatic for a period of 24 hours. They will begin return to play progression as determined by their doctor. A medical clearance note is required for the student to fully return to learn and return to play.

Infectious Disease
Parent/guardians are required to report any incidence of infectious disease to the nurse. Students with chronic infectious disease have all rights, privileges, and services provided by law and Board policies and the district's obligation to safeguard these rights while managing health and safety for all district students. 

A student known to have a chronic infectious disease will be evaluated to determine whether there is a high risk of spreading the disease. We will work with local, regional, or state health officials, the family physician, the student, the student's teachers and the student's parent/guardian to establish the most appropriate educational program.