Sunset Ridge Cross Country (XC) - General Information
Cross Country season starts on Wednesday, August 28. All 6th-8th grade students can join.
In case of inclement weather, the calendar will be updated by 1:30 P.M and a Parent Square will be sent.
Practices: Generally, practices are from 3:30 - 4:45 pm at Sunset Ridge School. Please check the paper calendar and Google calendar for specific dates and times.
The full practice schedule Google calendar link will be shared when the team is finalized. Please use the hard copy calendar until then.
Cross Country Meets:
Physicals: Students participating must have a current physical on file with our school nurse, Mrs. Balici.
We are aware that many children are actively participating in more than one program, and/or have other commitments such as doctor appointments, religious obligations, etc., and need to leave early from practice and/or track meets. Our policy on taking your child home during a practice/meet is to sign your child out from our attendance sheet. If your child is getting a ride from another family, we need to have verbal or written permission from the parent of the child in need of the ride.
Go Eagles!!!
Mrs.Stonequist and Mrs. Westfall 847.881.9437 847.881.9445