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Board Members

Board Members


Mr. Holt Zeidler (Term Expires: 2025)
(312) 315-5123 
PDLT/PERA Training: 4/2021
OMA Training: 4/2021    



Ms. Jennifer Damon (Term Expires: 2027)
(773) 220-2029  
PDLT/PERA Training: 8/2023
OMA Training: 8/2023

Ms. Abigayil Joseph (Term Expires: 2025)
Education Committee Chair
(312) 975-2227
PDLT/PERA Training: 7/2021
OMA Training:7/2021


Mr. Sam Dotzler (Term Expires: 2025)
Vice President
(312) 420-5948
PDLT/PERA Training 7/2021
OMA Training: 7/2021    


Ms. Cynthia Ho (Term Expires: 2027)
Finance Committee Chair
PDLT/PERA Training: 7/2023
OMA Training: 6/2023

Mr. Charlie Pick (Term Expires: 2027)
PDLT/PERA Training: 5/2023
OMA Training:5/2023

Mr. Sam Tideman (Term Expires: 2027) 
PDLT/PERA Training: 10/23
OMA Training: 10/23  

Board Member Code of Conduct

The following document articulates the expectations and protocols for Board of Education members as they carry out their duties as public servants for the District. Please click here to access the Board Member Code of Conduct.

Comments and Questions

The Sunset Ridge Board of Education encourages community members to share their feedback. Please submit any comments or suggestions to the School Board. Your email will be distributed to all Board of Education members and the Superintendent, and you will receive a response within 2 workdays. Please note that communications submitted individually or collectively to the Board are considered part of the public record and may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Communications sent to the entire Board are also documented in the Board Electronic Communication Log, including the name of the sender, date of the communication, subject of the communication, and the response.