Hello! My name is Jennifer Kiedaisch, and I am honored to belong to the Middlefork School community. Middlefork truly stands out among elementary schools as a tight-knit family of students, parents and staff, rich in relationships and special traditions. From Kindergarten through 3rd grade, students participate in a variety of academic and social emotional learning experiences based on the District 29 mission of “engaging hearts and minds, one child at a time.” We believe in the power of engaging students’ hearts through intentional social-emotional learning opportunities and positive connections so that their minds can engage fully in learning academic content. Middlefork staff work tirelessly to learn each child’s individual strengths and needs in order to tailor our instruction for optimal student growth.
Middlefork parents are critical to our mission of cultivating this special learning community. Middlefork students will thrive with this strong partnership between home and school. I encourage all our parents to stay informed about school and classroom events, to stay connected with your child’s teacher, to join the PTO, and to introduce yourself so that our special school community can grow.
If you have any questions about this incredible school or our community, please feel free to contact me at 847-881-9505 or kiedaischj@srd29.org.

Jennifer Kiedaisch