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Social Emotional Learning


  • District 29 teachers, administrators, staff, and parents are deeply committed to the topic of Social Emotional Learning. Social Emotional Learning, in our district,is intended to emphasize the importance of being ethical, responsible, contributing members of society. We conceptualize Social Emotional Learning as a comprehensive set of activities, rather than a singular curriculum, evident throughout the district in a diverse array of activities.
  • Relationship & School Climate:

    • The importance of modeling respectful, virtuous behavior is emphasized in positive relationships between/among adults and students.


    Special Activities & Service Projects:

    • Special projects expand student involvement/initiative to raise awareness of those in need and promote importance of service to others.


    Curriculum Integration:

    • Lessons in content area instruction provide opportunities to discuss virtues.


    Structured Curriculum:

    • K-8 character education meetings address monthly virtue themes. Lessons in the area of friendship skills, social problem-solving, dealing with bullying/harassment, and respecting and admiring diversity are emphasized.


    Parental Involvement & Awareness:

    • Parents are their children's primary character education teachers. Via the Parent Character Education Committee, and grade level parent meetings, home & school work closely to promote understanding, collaboration, and a nurturing environment.


    Social Exclusion, Bullying, & Harassment:

    • District 29 is committed to providing a nurturing environment where students are not subjected to incidents of bullying and/or harassment.In this effort, the district employs both proactive and reactive strategies to address these undesired behaviors.

    • Bullying Behavior is when one or more students employ physical, emotional or verbal abuse to make life miserable for another student. The abuse can take many forms from simple name calling to physical abuse to sexual harassment. Bully behavior is defined by its intensity and duration and is distinguished by a pattern of repeated physical or psychological intimidation.
    • The position of a Victim is characterized as the object of bullying behavior. Usually, the victim has done nothing deliberate to invite such negative attention. In extreme instances, a victim can exhibit bullying behaviors.
    • Bystander Behavior is typified to someone who "stands by" while bullying is taking place. Bystanders do not actively participle, but they are rarely neutral. Passive observing reaffirms the bully/clique's power. On the other hand, bystanders have the greatest potential to turn the situation around.
    • A Clique is a small close-knit group of people who share things in common. A clique may travel in a group, have rules, have leaders, have a dress code, etc. The main difference between a clique and a group of friends is that cliques use their power to exclude others who do not fit their standards or criteria.
    • Social Exclusion is the denial of a person into a clique or social situation based on real or perceived differences.
    • Tolerance is the process of learning to accept and embrace the differences of others.
    • Empathy is the awareness and understanding of another person's feeling, experiences, and perspective.
    • Reporting Bullying/Harassment: Parents, students, and/or staff can anonymously report incidents of bullying/harassment via our website by going to the Student Services Link and clicking on the Bullying/Harassment Incident Reporting form.



    For more information regarding Social Emotional Learning in District 29, please visit the Social Emotional Learning Web-Pages for Middlefork and Sunset Ridge Schools.