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Board Meetings

Board of Education Meetings

Meetings of the District 29 Board of Education are generally held on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium at Sunset Ridge School located at 525 Sunset Ridge Rd., Northfield, Illinois (unless otherwise indicated).


Comments and Questions

The Sunset Ridge District 29 School Board welcomes public comment during most regular meetings and during public hearings. Any individual can make a public comment per the guidelines outlined in Board Policy 233. Generally, School Board members do not respond to public comment during the meeting or hearing. In addition to in-person public comments, the Board reviews letters and emails sent to the School Board. However, comments submitted in writing are not read aloud during Board meetings.

Time – Per Board Policy 233, persons wishing to address the Board during a meeting are generally limited to three (3) minutes. The Board generally allows a minimum of 30 minutes for Public Comment. For agenda items and public hearings, if there are a large number of speakers, the Board may limit the total time for comment and/or may reduce the time allotted for each speaker.

Topics – Speakers may address an item on a School Board agenda or may address an item not on the agenda during a portion of the meeting that may be provided for Public Comment. All comments should address a matter related to Sunset Ridge District 29 Schools. The School Board will not hear public comment that involves a complaint about an individual staff member, a personnel action, a student disciplinary matter, a complaint about an individual student, or pending litigation.

Decorum – The School Board expects that each speaker will be courteous, modeling for our students how one can respectfully disagree with others’ views. Speakers will address their comments to the entire School Board and not to one individual Board member, nor to the Superintendent, to a staff member, nor to the audience. Speakers will not engage in personal attacks. Speakers will present their comments from the podium provided for them.

Signing up to Speak – Speakers may sign up at a School Board meeting or Public Hearing by signing the “Sign-In” sheet available at each meeting. Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed-up. Speakers may not speak more than once on a topic. Speakers who wish to speak on more than one topic must submit a separate request for each item. Any person who would like an interpreter to assist them in providing public comment and any person with a disability who needs accommodation to provide public comment should contact the District office at 847.881.9400 at least three business days in advance of a meeting to request assistance.

Written Comments – Individuals may submit written comments and feedback to the Board. Comments/feedback submitted in writing will not be read aloud during a Board of Education meeting but will be recorded into the public record as communications received.